Our Product & Services
Our Products & Services

Endeavour Speciality Chemicals has more than 30 years of manufacturing high impact aroma products and speciality chemicals. We have significant expertise in a range of chemistries, including sulphur and heterocyclic chemistries.

Our manufacturing facilities and custom-designed high efficiency abatement plant allow us to safely handle and use a wide range of highly odorous and hazardous materials.

Endeavour Speciality Chemicals product range includes:

  • Aroma products
  • Speciality chemicals

These products can be produced in gram to several kilogram quantities. We have the facility to scale-up production to multi-tonne quantities, where possible, at our sister company Robinson Brothers Limited (UK). We work closely together to ensure a project is seamlessly scaled with the same personnel to manage the chemical manufacturing process.

Endeavour holds an exclusive distribution agreement with Treatt for the sale of aroma products. Treatt is a leading ingredients manufacturer, supplying to the global flavour, fragrance and consumer goods market.  Treatt has been a strategic partner of Endeavour for many years. We work collectively to serve the flavour and fragrance market. Our chemists can provide expertise in chemistry and Treatt can provide market insights for new product development and market demand of aroma products.

As well as our existing product range, we can offer the following services.

  • Synthetic route development
  • Process optimisation
  • Custom synthesis
  • Contract/toll manufacturing services
  • Exclusivity, if required

We have an excellent track record of solving complex organic synthesis challenges for our customers and projects can be based on full-time equivalents (FTE).

Contact us for more information.

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