Our Mission
Our Mission

Our aim is to supply high quality aroma products and speciality chemicals across the world. This includes in excess of 450 high impact aroma chemicals (HIACs) for use in the food, beverage and fragrance industries.

As a brand, we consider the quality and availability of our products, as well as our customer service responsiveness, to be essential to our ongoing success of Endeavour Speciality Chemicals.

We will achieve our goals by;

  • Developing and maintaining a paperless Quality and Food Safety Management System (Q&FSMS) that satisfies the requirements of both ISO 9001 and ISO 22000, with a focus on continuous improvement, and meeting the needs and expectations of all of its Interested Parties.
  • Setting clear, measurable and challenging Quality Objectives (KPIs) designed to engage all departments and employees with ownership in their achievement, to ensure organisational focus is maintained.
  • Application and maintenance of a HACCP system for the manufacture and supply of aroma products to ensure their food grade status, and food safety in their downstream applications
  • Providing high quality products and services to all our customers, aiming to meet or exceed their requirements every time.
  • Developing and building good supplier relationships so that our supply chain does not compromise product quality & food safety, availability and service levels to our own customers.
  • Providing appropriate training to all staff at induction, and throughout their employment, to promote awareness, facilitate their personal development, ensure job skill competencies, enhance departmental capabilities, and allow the company Quality Objectives to be achieved and improved upon.
  • Regularly reviewing the performance of the Q&FSMS to ensure it continues to meet the needs and expectations of all interested parties and effectively addresses risks and opportunities.
  • Complying with all applicable legislation and regulations, particularly Health & Safety, Environmental and Food Safety related.

We expect everyone to meet the standards and responsibilities which are assigned to them, and to suggest improvements whenever such opportunities are identified.

About Us
Our Story
Our Certifications & Affiliations
Our People
Our Mission
Our Aroma Products
Our Speciality Products